Black Dragons
Guild Information
Name Black Dragons
Black Dragons
World Antica
Founded Apr 06 2007
Members/Online 251 (0 online)
Guild House Bloodhall

The sky has shifted color tonight, by the blood of our fallen enemies. A dark gathering is held, in an ancient cave far away from mortal eyes. If you look deep inside the eye of the dragon, you will discover a sorrow no words can describe. The world is no longer close to what it used to be, and we strive to protect those left of our kind. But nothing seems to still the constant hunger deep within our souls. Once again we will spread our darkened wings over the lands of Antica.

251 members found.


Members 251
Total level 82,730
Average level 330
Max. Level 1422
Min. Level 3
Oldest Member Aronwe (Oct 01 2007)

Top Members

Sorcerer Fepz 377
Master Sorcerer Zarothprime 1422
Druid Anglyn the second 558
Elder Druid Ho ha 1149
Knight Sleksy 769
Elite Knight Soder Is Back 1036
Paladin Rhonin Bro 542
Royal Paladin Oh ah 1022
None Digi mortal 170


Elite Knight 53 (21.12%)
Royal Paladin 52 (20.72%)
Elder Druid 46 (18.33%)
Master Sorcerer 34 (13.55%)
Knight 26 (10.36%)
Sorcerer 18 (7.17%)
Paladin 13 (5.18%)
Druid 8 (3.19%)
None 1 (0.4%)

Grouped Vocations

Knight 79 (31.6%)
Paladin 65 (26%)
Druid 54 (21.6%)
Sorcerer 52 (20.8%)

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